October 18th, 2022
To answer some common questions:
- Yes, uncommons without acorn stamps or silver borders are legal. Consult your playgroup if you wish to play acorns or silvers (or slivers, but that’s a separate issue).
- Yes: for better or worse, stickers are legal. Lineprancers can reliably represent a 4/2 or 5/1 for two mana.
- Attractions are technically legal but functionally illegal. The minimum Attraction deck size is ten, but there are only seven at uncommon rarity. (This is similar to pauper, where only eight Attractions are legal.) We encourage interested players to ask their playgroup if it is okay to play with a minimum Attraction deck size of five or with a deck size of ten but also including common and/or rare Attractions.
- Yes, “galaxy foils” are just the old Pokémon holofoiling. And yes, they’re still pretty neato.